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YES CEO's lead the way

In April we had 11 students from Year 12 & 13 from the Wellington and Manawatu regions attend our two-day Foundation Leadership Course - BRONZE. These students are participating in the Young Enterprise Scheme through their high school, and are in the role of CEO of their small business. Although the students have ended up in their business’s leadership role, they had not been specifically trained on the practical requirements of team leadership. For those past students who have completed our training, you will know what these young leaders went through during the two days to develop their understanding and basic leadership abilities. What is pleasing to see from the Future Leaders Academy point of view, is the calibre of the CEO’s who participate in the scheme. Instructors JP and Jethro attended the YES National Awards event last December and were blown away by the talent of the young people who have the natural potential as leaders. By offering our leadership training in collaboration with Young Enterprise we aim to enhance the functional leadership abilities of these CEO’s to help produce better results in their YES business during the year. More importantly we want to develop them as leaders who can contribute and influence more effectively in the wider school environment, the workforce and the community once they finish school. Watch this space for the joint initiative between YES and FLA to be bigger and better in 2018.

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